Wednesday, October 30, 2019

An exploratory paper arguing both sides using past and present major Research

An exploratory arguing both sides using past and present major issues of gay marriage. Explain them through summaries and - Research Paper Example This essay examines the issue of gay marriage through positions on the right not to marry, the right to marry, and civil unions. One of the prominent positions on gay marriage is what has come to be referred to as the right not to marry. In regards to this position one considers that the institution of marriage affords a number of benefits, predominantly in government tax incentives. In this way individuals that marry have specific rights that place them at an advantage over non-married individuals. The right not to marry then has constituted a perspective that provides a counter-point to the benefits gained through marriage. Polikoff notes that if the right to marry is considered a right then, â€Å"– the right not to marry – should likewise be fundamental. Revived proposals to condition poverty assistance on marital status, as well as tax benefits and burdens based on marital status, would require strict judicial scrutiny† (Polikoff). In this way Polikoff has c onsidered both the benefits gained through marriage and the perspectives on marriage as a fundamental right. She is arguing then that if the courts establish the right to marry a fundamental right for all people, including gays and lesbians, there should be a concomitant right not to marry. Ultimately, this right would benefit not only gays and lesbians, but individuals that choose to forego marriage. Another prominent position in the debate on gay marriage is the notion of the right to marry. The right to marry has long been a prominent issue, not only in gay and lesbian marriage concerns, but also in broader civil rights perspectives. In this way some of the most prominent right to marry controversies emerged during the civil rights era of the 1960s when there was significant debate over interracial marriages. Still, in the 21st century the most prominent right to marry issues have surrounded concerns over gay marriage. In this way there has been significant disparity of opinion o ver the extent that the constitution guarantees the right to marriage and to which groups of people. In large part this issues has been addressed at the state level. Currently, the majority of states restrict gay marriage based on the belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. Undoubtedly the belief against a blanket right to marriage for same sex couples has been influenced by prominent religious perspectives in the country. One considers that Christianity, the dominant Western religion, has opposed gay marriage; there is additionally scripture that indicates marriage should be between a man and a woman. In this way a great amount of American citizens continue to object to gay marriage based on moral reasons. Recent polling data have attested to this, noting that the highest percentage of people that oppose gay marriage have strong religious affiliations; over 77% of Protestants oppose gay marriage, and 71% of people who attend church services more than once a week oppose g ay marriage (PewResearch). While religious groups are not the only sect of people that oppose the right to marry, they constitute a major oppositional position within the country on the issue. The restriction of the right to marriage, however, has been challenged in a number of notable situations. One of the most prom

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Water, Food And Agriculture

Water, Food And Agriculture Water plays a vital role in life. Without water, existence of life is not possible. Without water, agriculture is not possible. Without agriculture, we cannot meet the ever rising demand for food. Climate change, as we all know is disastrously affecting our environment and the ecological balance. Glaciers, ice bergs and the north and south poles are melting at a rate higher than ever. This is greatly changing the water cycle. Climate change thus severely affects the water levels. Climate change will have a momentous effect on agriculture in terms of water quality and quantity. This will be aggravated by the increasing demand for food as populations and incomes increase. For centuries together, farmers have locally organized the water cycle through irrigation and drainage. The change in the hydrological cycle will influence the agricultural practices. The rural population of the developing countries, for whom agriculture is the primary source of income and employment, will be affected due to agricultures vulnerability to the changing climate. In this report, we shall discuss about the effect of climate change on water resources and agricultural practices which in turn affects the food supply. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Climate change has a huge impact on the world as a whole. The impact of climate change on the farmers is perhaps something which most people have not given a thought about. On the contrary, this seems to be one of the most important problems faced due to climate change. Climate change has a major impact on the availability of water and weather pattern. This triggers a chain of events. As water availability and weather pattern changes, farmers have the only option of changing their agricultural patterns to adapt to the surroundings. They often turn to chemicals such as fertilizers to increase their yield. Some even quit farming and turn to other professions. This is usually prevalent among farmers who have a low income as they do not have enough money to buy these chemicals and the abnormal weather conditions frequently lead to crop failures. This leads to a drastic decline in amount of food produced and thus leads to food scarcity. Food scarcity leads to a hike in food prices and thu s unequal distribution of food among the globe as a whole. According to a report published by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 11 June 2011, the world will face a water scarcity for agriculture as a result of climate change. In the survey titled Climate Change, Water and Food Security, climate change will reduce the amount of water in river run-offs and aquifer rechargers in the Mediterranean and semi-arid areas of the Americas, Australia and Southern Africa. Asia, where farmlands are irrigated by snowmelt from glaciers, will be affected and the river deltas will face reduction in water supply. Loss of glaciers which support more than 40% of worlds irrigation will disastrously affect the amount of surface water available for irrigation. There will be acceleration in the hydrological cycle which increases the rate of evaporation of water from land and sea. This will increase rainfall in tropical areas and higher latitudes while a decrease will be felt in semi-arid and mid-arid latitudes and the interior of the contine nts. An increase in the growing season of northern temperate zones and a decrease almost everywhere else will be seen.1 The same report also gives some suggestive measures which countries can undertake. One key area requires countries to implement improve and maintain water accounts, which involves collecting data on amount of water used, transferred, etc. and analyzing them to make decisions on how water resources can be managed. At farm level, farmers can change cropping patterns to match the weather pattern. Efficiency can be enhanced by introducing soil moisture conservation practices. Mixed agroforestry, according to the report, also holds promise. Going by the report, these above mentioned systems can sequester carbon and offer additional benefits like reduced evaporation rates, and upgraded soil conservation and water withholding capacity.2 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 UN News June 11 2011 2 FAO Report June 11 2011 NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE India displays an extensive array of climatic conditions from the high altitudes of Himalayas to the long coasts, from the parched deserts of the West to the forests of the East. Owing to these complications, the effect of climate change will fluctuate across the country depending on the climatic conditions. In India almost 360 million people are undernourished and 300 million people is poor.3 Agriculture in India principally depends on the South West Monsoon, a short three month period. Hence, any deviation in this pattern will disrupt agriculture. Predicted effects include a drop in wheat production. Experiments have proven a 0.40C rise in the annual surface temperature. A predicted increase in maximum and minimum temperatures is sure to affect the ecosystems and water supply. Important rivers like Cauvery, Ganga and Narmada are likely to experience seasonal and frequent water shortages.4 In India, impact of climate change will increase sub-regional disparities and more extreme rainfall. This is catastrophic in a country that obtains about 100 hours of rainfall in a year. A study conducted by the World Bank in two droughts prone states and a flood prone state revealed that farmers in the drought prone states will see their income reduce by 20% and sugarcane yields fall by 25% while flooding will vividly lessen the rice yields by 12% in the other state.3 The fertile Indo-gangetic plain will face a drop in precipitation by 5% which will fatally decrease the growing period. Large parts of central India will surely see a rise in the surface temperatures thereby lethally decreasing the yield of most crops. The climatic shifts are related to the fate of regional crop and livestock yields and the chronic hunger status of Indian society show that farmers are unable to handle and adapt to the weather pattern.5 According to a study conducted by the Central Research Institute for Dry land Agriculture, Kharif crops will be affected by the rainfall variability while the Rabi crops will be affected by the rising temperatures. The study has also shown that wheat (staple food of northern India) will be affected by the temperature while the rice crop (staple food of southern India) will be affected by both the increase in temperature and decreasing rainfall. Legumes have proven to benefit from the increased temperature but have failed to withstand the water paucity. Another thing to note is that milk production will decrease as the yielding capacity of the cow decreases as temperature increases.6 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3 4 5 6 PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE Chennai, as a metropolitan, does not face any consequences of climate change on agriculture. But this does not mean that it does not face any problems regarding food supply and water scarcity. As a matter of fact, food prices are soaring and water shortage is becoming an inevitable crisis. Scientists predict a 20C rise in temperature and drop in production of crops by 20%7 Data has shown an increase in the temperature of sea surface by 0.310C between 1981 and 2001 April and an increase by 0.150C between 1981 and 2001 October. Although this seems to be a small change, the damage done is catastrophic to the aquatic life. The frequency of spawning of fish has decreased. Thus the total catch has decreased over time. This has greatly affected the availability of this fish.8 I conducted a survey in my neighborhood on this topic. Based on the results, it can be found that there will be a definite hike in food prices in the coming days. This can be attributed to the unpredictable nature of the rains which is caused due to global warming. This is also reduced by less and less area coming under the cultivated land which is accelerated by the growth of industries and extensive use of fertilizers which has led to farmlands turning into wastelands. The prices of Mango, Eggplants, Rice, etc. are likely to rise. Water scarcity is also being faced and will continue to be faced in Chennai if no measures are taken. This is mainly because of the increasing number of complexes which use too much ground water leaving very less behind. Chennai also does not have any natural reservoir as such to store rain water.9 The complete survey can be found in Annexure A _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7 8 9 Survey conducted. This can be found in Annexure A POSSIBLE SCNEARIO Currently, the world as a whole faces a food crisis mainly due to climate change. If these continue with no preventive measures being taken, a chain of events will occur which will eventually lead to apocalypse. Due to water scarcity, farmers tend to pull out more water from the ground thereby depleting the ground water resources and destroying the water table. Then, there would be less water available for farmers to use for irrigation. More importantly, there would be less water to quench the thirsts of the world. This will lead to heavy food shortage problems which will definitely lead to hike in food prices. Most likely, history will repeat itself. In 1789, a major event occurred that changed the course of time. It was the French revolution and its main cause was food shortage and the rise in food prices. Perhaps, another revolution might get sparked all over the world that would lead to a change in the course of time again. It might be for the greater good, or it might just lead to deaths, sickness and finally the end of the human race. Another way of looking at this is that as all those who are unable to afford the high prices of food will just perish due to hunger and malnourishment. The population of the country decreases and the problem of overpopulation are overcome. But, as people start dying, the countrys production reduces. The countries all over the world slowly start becoming undeveloped. As this process takes place, riots will occur and countries will disintegrate. Wars will emerge and will perhaps lead to the third World War which will be fought for water and food. Basically, cataclysm will be raining down and the Dooms Day will dawn. Either way, there will be an end to our species if we do not take immediate actions to prevent these extreme situations. POSSIBLE COURSE OF ACTION If we were to solve the root of all these problems, then we would look at climate change and global warming. But solving this is not contained by the potential of one country. So, we have to observe adaption strategies for the problems mentioned in this report. Firstly, we need to improve our research methods for forecasting floods. We also need to develop hybrid varieties for crops to make them withstand droughts and high temperatures. These should be available to the farmers at an affordable rate. The changing weather pattern should be analysed. Farmers should be made aware of this pattern so that they can plan their practices to match with the weather pattern to ensure greater yield and productivity. At the farm level, water management should be made compulsory. Although simple, crop rotation can do wonders. Farmers should reduce their dependence on ground water. Farmers should deploy more effective means to irrigate their lands. Drip irrigation and water sprinklers are effective. They should intensify cropping patterns for increased production. Application of fertilizers should be matched with the irrigation. This will also help in escalating the yield. Finally, everyone should be educated and made aware of the current crisis faced by the world. This will make them realise the threat and motivate them to take steps in conserving water and food. PERSONAL RESPONSE After researching on this topic, I am very much concerned about the effects of climate change on agriculture. It directly influences the weather and amount of potable water thereby causing water scarcity and crop failures which eventually leads to food shortages. There is an unquestionable need for us to save water and stop lavishly frivolling away with food. If we do not do so the future generations will perish with nothing left to survive on. This is my opinion after researching on this topic. Word Count: 1,977 words BIBLIOGRPAHY Internet Pages Resourced Retrieved on 24 February 2013 Retrieved on 24 February 2013 Retrieved on 26 February 2013 Retrieved on 26 February 2013 Retrieved on 27 February 2013 Retrieved on 27 February 2013 Retrieved on 27 February 2013 Retrieved on 27 February 2013 Retrieved on 27 February 2013 Retrieved on 27 February 2013 Retrieved on 28 February 2013 Retrieved on 28 February 2013 Reports Retrieved on 26 February 2013 Retrieved on 28 February 2013 Retrieved on 1 March 2013

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Search for Utopia in The Great Gatsby Essay -- The Great Gatsby F.

  Ã‚  In Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, the reader discovers multiple interpretations of utopia. Each character is longing for one particular paradise. Only one character actually reaches utopia, and the arrival is a mixed blessing at best. The concept of paradise in The Great Gatsby is â€Å"a shifting, evanescent illusion of happiness, joy, love, and perfection, a mirage that leads each character to reach deeper, look harder, strive farther†(Lehan, 57). All the while, time pulls each individual farther from the moment he seeks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is Myrtle Wilson's gaudy, flashy hotel paradise in which she can pretend that she is glamorous, elite, wanted and loved. She clings fiercely enough to this threadbare dream to brave the ire of Tom Buchanan by voicing her jealous terror that he will return to his wife. There is a desperation to her full, vivacious style of living, she wants so much to escape the grey, dead land of the Valley of Ashes that she colors her life with any brightness she can find, be it broken glass or diamonds. Nick describes land she finds herself in as a wasteland, a desert, saying "this is the Valley of Ashes -- a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens, where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and finally, with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air" (Fitzgerald, 27).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is from this that Myrtle is trying to escape, this life-in-death valley that epitomizes the underbelly of New York's glitter and lights and finery, and this that she is dragged back to by the dawning jealous rage of a normally unassuming husband. To run away from the grey and the death, the colo... ...any falls from grace, Nick alone resurfaces, burdened by his understanding of the entirety of the tragedy.    Works Cited and Consulted: Claridge, Henry, ed. F. Scott Fitzgerald: Critical Assessments. 4 vols. Robertsbridge, UK: Helm, 1992. Donaldson, Scott, ed. Critical Essays on F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby." Boston: G. K. Hall, 1984. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli. Toronto: Simon & Schuster Inc, 1995. Lehan, Richard D. F. "The Great Gatsby": The Limits of Wonder.   Boston: Twayne, 1990. Rowe, Joyce A. â€Å"Delusions of American Idealism.† In Readings on The Great Gatsby. edited by Katie de Koster. San Diego, California: Greenhaven Press. 1998. 87-95. Trilling, Lionel. "F. Scott Fitzgerald." Critical Essays on Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby." Ed. Scott Donaldson. Boston: Hall, 1984. 13-20.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Offshoring Paper Essay

This article talks about a trend that started as far back as the 1980’s when companies began sending many jobs abroad mainly because of cheap labor. However, that trend is quickly changing. Companies are discovering that the wage gap is narrowing and many of the disadvantages are now starting to outweigh benefits of sending jobs abroad. One of the points mentioned in the article is that wages in china have risen 10-20% in the last 10 years, whereas wages in America and Europe have remained about the same. Also, another disadvantage of send production abroad is that shipping can be very expensive. In recent years shipping costs have gotten higher such that the cost of producing elsewhere and shipping to the US is no longer as cheap as it used to be. The time factor is also a big issue. Many times transit takes as long as six weeks which makes it hard for companies to fulfill their orders in a timely manner. In conclusion, the article makes a note that a lot of companies are now rethinking their decision about going offshore. Opinion Most of the companies went offshore to save money, and I can see where they are coming from after all the whole goal of having a business is to make profits however in my opinion many of the companies did not take the time to properly analyze the other costs involved in moving jobs offshore. Many also forgot to consider how it will affect the quality of their service when it comes to shipping time and sometimes the quality of the product. I am very happy that many jobs are coming back and I think the government needs to do more to encourage the companies. They should offer tax reductions where necessary so that America will be able to compete in the global market. I also like the point the article makes, that just because companies are tending towards reducing offshoring does not mean they will be less global, infact distributing their activities more evenly around the globe will make most companies more efficient.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Patrick Henry’s Famous 1775 Speech “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!”

Patrick Henry respectably introduced his views on what action to take in regards of the conflict going on with Britain. Therefore, this would include preparing for war if they do not meet the colonists demands. He builds upon many rhetorical devices such as ethos by expressing his religious Christian passion. Patrick Henry’s influential style contributed to ending the British crowns exploitation of the thirteen colonies. Henry's subject moreover was to raise a militia, and to put Virginia in a posture of defense.In addition, other rhetorical devices that Patrick demonstrates within his speech include the strategy of appealing to logos and pathos when stating if Virginia did not join the revolution they would have failed. As well as Patrick Henry uses allusion, metaphors, and imagery to provide his audience with the horrid images. He applies to rhetorical questions to appeal to authority and emphasize to stop being law abiding citizens.Patrick Henry begins his eminent speech wi th an apology and a very respectable tone towards the president. He convinces his audience by speaking his feelings. He applies to ethos to connect with his own ethical and moral beliefs. For instance, in paragraph 2 of his speech he declares â€Å"I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.† This quote appeals to rhetorical ethos. He speaks of the majesty of heaven as the quality of God. He cannot hold back his heart in such that he must be honest. It also shows how God seems more important than the â€Å"earthly kings† as stated.He finds relevance in ethos throughout his speech to give voice and meaning and make connections to his audience. Furthermore, he speaks of church and the name of God, the supreme creator of the universe. Mr. Henry does not preach however, but he shows a biblical allusion as in paragraph 2: â€Å"It is only this way that we can hope to arrive at truth and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country.† Patrick Henry emphasized that the British cannot be stopped by pure human strength; you must receive assistance from God and work together as a unified nation to stop the evil that has come within.He represents God  to express strong feelings and emphasize the representation towards him. He is used as an object of worship, and is told to support us and aid us through this hardship. The colonists fit in because they were motivated to fight in the war, to make revolutionaries out of the colonists. There were introduced to wake up the 13 colonies and not remain slaves of England. There were frightening, but they won't be dazzled by the mothercountry, slave traders and owners. Moreover, Henry’s tone was very eloquent and he states his sentiments straight forward. In paragraph 8, he says â€Å"Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.† He is being noble and mentioning God because he feels the utmost reality of our originator and that he is extremely important.Patrick Henry shows the worship and value towards him. Consequently, he states that they are mighty and strong and the fact that God has guided them and paved the way. Henry convinces his countrymen to come forth and stand against these beasts. Specifically, Patrick himself also describes â€Å"cannibalistic brutality of King George and the British Monarchy.† This is a metaphor because he is comparing their very barbaric characteristics. They are attacking their own people; however he does not literally mean eating the flesh off of the people’s skin. But also this metaphor describes the laws the British had and how they decided to let US take everything from the colonies.For instance, there were widespread beatings in the midst of this and soldiers were taking over homes, leaving but nothing for the farme rs. Meanwhile there was sexual assault going on towards women and no punishment was being enforced. When Henry proclaimed the allusion and further metaphorical references in his speech he shocks the colonial brethren. â€Å"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.† Specifically, he meant the British were giving the colonies false hope to lure men to their deaths, as the sirens in the Odyssey. In particular, their alluring expectation and fulfillment caught their attention.Henry engages allusion and metaphor as a rhetorical device once again saying â€Å"I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience.† This lamp is the fire that guides mankind through darkness and seeks our way. He rose and sacrificed his life. This is the enlightenment to man and how he saves mankind to give freedom to the colonies. A promethean is Zeus’s slave; however he fr eed the  humans and did well on our part. Henry says also â€Å"Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss.†Christ was betrayed by Judas and this shows how they made America feel as if they are privileged. This is the positive reception of the colonists’ petition. Not only has it fooled the colonists into thinking the British care for them when truly they will betray the colonists leading them back into slavery. The colonists’ demands were met with an insidious smile, because the British are misleading. The deceptive nature of the British angers the colonists’ because they are being fed false hope.Additionally, Patrick Henry uses anaphora in his speech throughout paragraph 6 in the repetition of certain words to further their understanding. This includes â€Å"Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subjec t up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Patrick Henry states â€Å"we† repeatedly. He is on the same side as his audience and he identifies with them. He appeals to logos as well in showing his ideas and thoughts.Likewise, all the actions the colonies have taken; there is no room for any other peaceful attempts to mediate conflict. On the other hand, he emphasizes the situation and appeals to pathos in the form of false hope. In paragraph 8 Henry depicted â€Å"Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?† the rhetorical device being ref erred to is imagery, and he appeals to authority. Nevertheless, the colonies are seen as a weak power, lying in a coffin. If you are lying in a coffin you have no further strength. He gives God credit for any good that occurs, because God is noble. Otherwise, he describes lying back and grasping no form of home because there was no type for them.Their enemies will take over easily, and captivate them. In paragraph 9 Patrick positions â€Å"There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable and let it come! I repeat it,  sir, let it come.† In this quote values onomatopoeia because he describes the clanking as sound being made in the reference to slaves. The horrid images that you can see as he states this is a reflection and the conflict is reality. He believes the colonies will essentially become prisoners under British control. He says the war is foreseeable and he is ready fo r it, let it come.In summation, Patrick Henry says â€Å"give me liberty or give me death!† You can finally see the parallelism in the fact of the matter. It’s either life to the fullest over everything, or death in nothing in between. One or the other are bound to occur and no compromise is possible. Patrick connects slavery to death. He conditions that under the circumstance they remain less than British rule, death will occur. And it is death that is all because there is no limbo. It’s giving it your all or giving worth nothing. This is what matters in the end, freedom, independence, and liberation over everything.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Connections and Differences in a Compare and Contrast Research Paper

Connections and Differences in a Compare and Contrast Research Paper Connections and Differences in a Compare and Contrast Research Paper When you are told to write a compare and contrast paper, you have to center on the similarities, connections and differences. Many people do make the mistake of centering on just one of this, and this may be their undoing as the research paper will not be a complete one. When you are told to compare and contrast, it means you must point out the similarities and distinctive features. There is one core value you must not miss, and this is the fact that you should bring in new connections and differences. Now, when you are given such essay, the first thing to do is to decipher whether you are told to write mainly on the connections, or on the differences or even on both of them. This is where your passing or failing the test starts. You have to start by asking yourself whether you really have enough information about the two items you have been instructed to compare and contrast. Never write the paper with wrong information. Only when you ascertain the level of knowledge you have about them, then you decide whether you should go for more research. The next question to ask is whether these two things are really similar or different in any way. When you answer these questions affirmatively, then it is time to organize your paper, and there are procedures of organizing your compare and contrast writing. You can start by gathering all information about one of the items in one place. When you do, you can now use either the connections or differences as the transition word. There are two main methods of doing this. You can write with the block divided format or the alternating point to point method. The block method means evaluating an entire item and comparing it to the other item in its entirety. This will give you two different papers, one centering on the similarities and the other on differences. To achieve success with this method you have to start with a very clear introduction and then the body that details the similarities and differences. Here, the two different sections must be linked with a clear transition too. The paper is concluded with a summery and an analysis of the relationships you have noticed between the items. The next method is the point to point method. Here, you take things with more details. You bring out a point of similarity and difference between the two items and treat it separately before going for another point. Here, you also have to start with introductions, and then link everything with a good transition. The thesis must answer the question of what happens in the long run. One thing you must imbibe here is to organize your points in a logical manner and to offer the relationships noticed in a summery. Here, you must not make blanket statements. Concentrate on particular aspects. You can start by writing about similarity and difference in appearance. After this, you can move to utility and purpose. Continue with all the other attributes of the items. Whichever method you want to use, you can go about it by engaging in researching, listing of the similarities and differences, mapping out the most significant points, organizing the essay scope and outline, bringing in the details of the text and editing your work. Feel free to buy a research paper online from our highly qualified writers. You will get a professionally custom academic paper written in a strict accordance with your specifications.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Corporal Punishment Essays - Behavior, Human Behavior, Parenting

Corporal Punishment Essays - Behavior, Human Behavior, Parenting Corporal Punishment Corporal Punishment " Children needs Discipline but not hitting" (Walker, n.d,). In this quo te, Walker expresses the idea that e ffective discipline can help children learn how to control their behavior so that they act responsibly to attest to what is wrong and right. This happens not because they are afraid of punishment, but because they are truthful because they think it is a wrong thing to lie. Discipline can also be called corporal punishment which is further define as a punishment meant to cause pain on a person or an intentional infliction of physical pain for a perceived misbeh avior for example spanking. Pinching, sl apping and hitting with objects (Block, 2004) . While corporal punishment is easy to define, it is less easy to justify as the best strategy for disciplining children. It is usually imposed in settings with a significant inequality of power between the people who participate in it. The opposition claims tha t spanking is not good for kids because of its detrimental effects on children. t his claim is supported with the following reasons: It leads to aggression, it affects parent's child relationship, it has its psychological effect, it causes anti- social behavior, lower cognitive abilities, and an increase risk of being abused by their parents. The more children are spanked, the more aggressive and antisocial they were. Children who were spanked are more likely to have mental health problem, problematic relationship with other parents and lower cognitive ability (Kaylor, 2016). Although many people believe that corporal punishment is the most effective form of discipline, in contrast, the use of corporal punishment as means of discipline will result in behavioral disorders as illustrated by: factors that include aggression, antisocial behavior, physical injury, and mental health problems for children. Background Histo rically, it has been reviewed that corporal punishment may lead to adverse child effect (Gershoff, Kaylor tr , 2002). The review showed that spanking was associated with 13 of the 17 outcomes examined , and all showed spanking was linked with several negative developing results for children who had tested corporal punishment including distraction, anti-social behavior, poor academic accomplishment, poor affection, and lack of parent- child warmth and mental health for example hopelessness, depression and others including substances and alcohol abuse. During the nineteenth century, it was argued that corporal punishment should not be used for academic errors and suggested that learning occurred best with encouragement and kindness (Fellenberg, n.d.). for example, during my high school days, I was afraid of my chemistry teacher which lead to my inability to achieve success in that subjec t all because of spanking given to me by the teacher . This is one of the evidence why Disciplinary spanking should be banned, there is no justification for spanking, Corporal punishme nt is ineffective in long term. Spanking is bad for kids and should not be practiced in any form to correct a child's behavioral problem. Supporting Points/ Proof s Factors that leads to Aggression In as much as many people believe that corporal punishment is the most effective form of discipline, but in the other hand, the evidence shows that spanking is not an effective form of discipline because it is psychologically harmful to children. Although spanking can lead to immediate behavior modification, it does result in consequences that exceed more than the benefit s. F or example, spanking a child can cause aggression. Aggression is stimulated by external source, the stimuli being frustration (Dugan,2004 ). A state whereby the child will show violent behavior towards others or readiness to attack or confront. The child displays this behavior because he believes that every conflict is resolved with violence based on his experience. spanking can lead to immediate behavior modification, but the practice loses its effect overtime . child ren should not be spanked all the time to achieve positive result and to avoid behavioral disorder. (Pies,2016). Aggression can be associate d with verbal or physical abuse, therefore spanking should be banned in all settings, including homes. Factors that lead to Anti- Social Behavior Although, the opposition believes in corporal punishment, in contrast , spanking can lead to anti-social behavior which can be as a factor

Sunday, October 20, 2019

College Term Paper Topics

College Term Paper Topics College Term Paper Topics The modern system of education is getting broader every day expanding the stores of study information gathered as important knowledge and at the same time closing up as a mouse trap for the student, that desiring to learn, get tight deadlines and great load of homework. Among all of those study troubles homework is the most problematic assignment. First of all, unlike the work which you are to do at class, at home you are cut off the group study process and have to do it on your own. Moreover, there is no professor around to give you a helping hand. Homework is mostly assigned in form of written works which makes it even harder. Not only you have to know the material from the class but you are also supposed to put it on the college term paper with a fluent language to make your assignment readable. This can be all done at a more or less corresponding level since it all comes with experience and practice. Term papers are the most unfavored written assignments for students. Not because they are hard to write or can have different format, its just that it at times becomes very challenging to get a college term paper topic. Imagine that you are writing a college term paper as well as the other hundreds of students at your college. To make this assignment grade winning you have to find a delicious topic for it. Nevertheless, how can it be exclusive and appealing to the reader if the rest of the students are thinking about that, too. You dont get much space to move the thoughts around. Considering that selection of the topic is the most important in the writing of the college term paper it is sometimes better to get help from your professor, classmate, academic sources or professional online writing help. If you need custom college term papers, you can order them from our college paper writing service.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How Environmental Factors Can Affect the Business Organization Essay

How Environmental Factors Can Affect the Business Organization - Essay Example By 2005, it had over 80 employees and several customers, which ranges from supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, and households. The company will be used as a case study to answer the questions in the subsequent paragraphs. Open system approach to organizations An open approach system to organization implies that an organization interacts with its outside environment, which in turn influences the structure and operations of the organization. The fact that an open system interacts with the outside environment implies that an organization is an open system should always adapt to changes in the environment. For a long time, Icy Foods Ltd. has been operating on informal basis judging, by the way, operations are loosely divided into five departments with no clear-cut framework. Moreover, the company used to accept orders with less or no regard to quality or quantity specifications of the product. This lack of organization explains why the company lacked customers from major supermarket chains . The other apparent misgiving that characterized Icy Foods Ltd. is the lack of clear division of labor and specialization. This fact is inherent in the way the company conducts job rotations (Weiner, 2002). Job rotation is not a good concept because it does not give the employees the chance to gain experience in a given line of duty. The fact that the company did not embrace quality and efficiency in its operations negatively affected its business performance. Before the takeover by Megastores Plc., the company had adopted an organic organization structure in managing the various operations. The management, prior to the takeover, operated an open-door policy. The management was keen on hearing employee’s ideas on new products and operational improvements. There was also a flexible approach to handling employees’ issues such as working hours and leave. After the successful takeover, the management came up with a raft of new changes that were more bureaucratic as oppose d to the organic system that the management had used to all along. The company adopted strict operational procedures that all the workers were compelled to follow to the latter. The new management placed much emphasis on operational efficiency, and work was based on performance. Decisions at the company were made unilaterally by the management without any consultations whatsoever, with the stakeholders. The human-resource department was formed to manage the human-resource issues. This bureaucratic approach to management led to high turnover at the organization. Moreover, it resulted in low motivation levels among the employees (Cassidy & Kreitner, 2009). It is worth noting that bureaucratic approach to management of the organization has one critical advantage, which is an improvement of efficiency in operation and management of the resources of the organization. Since the adoption of the bureaucratic leadership style at the organization, the efficiency at the organization has improv ed by a whopping 35%. How environmental factors can affect the business organization The year, 2005-2010 saw several changes in the business environment that adversely affected the business performance of Icy Foods Ltd. The fact that major supermarket chains dominated the ready foods market drove out of the market the smaller retail outlets from a business.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Is There an Inherent and Morally Required Connection Between Love and Essay

Is There an Inherent and Morally Required Connection Between Love and Sex - Essay Example The paper provides a brief philosophic discussion of what love and sex are and reevaluates the significance of the love-sex connection in philosophy. Keywords: sex, love, philosophy, connection, morality. Is There an Inherent or Morally Required Connection between Sex and Love? Philosophy is one of the most interesting sources of information about reality and life. Philosophy provides a unique channel for self-reflection and analysis of the most controversial aspects of the social, economic, and cultural reality. The value of philosophy is not only in the questions it raises but in the answers it provides and the analytical and systematic nature of the philosophic method (Halwani, 2010). It would be fair to say that philosophy reacts to the emerging issues, to understand their nature and provide possible solutions. The topic of sex and love has long been a matter of hot philosophic debate. Most world religions, especially in the western world, treat sex without love as inacceptable a nd immoral. In the meantime, the postmodern world is moving toward greater rationality in all life decisions, including sex. Sex provides physical pleasure and creates an atmosphere of intimacy, for which many people long. In the postmodern reality, there is no required connection between love and sex; there is nothing immoral in pursuing sexual desire, if it is mutual; love can add intensity to sexual relations but it is not mandatory in physical contacts among humans. Humans consider themselves as higher creatures. They have mind, cognition, and language which no animals have. They also have a unique capacity to be in love and love others. This is why love is often believed to be a mandatory component in the sexual relations among humans. However, the connection between love and sex is not simple but multidimensional. It involves a broad range of feelings, from pure sexual desire, to the feeling of victory, intimacy, and love. In the postmodern world ruled by rationality and reaso n, love gives place to other mundane considerations, and sex without love is no longer considered immoral. Yet, to clarify why the connection between love is neither required nor relevant, we first need to understand the nature of love and the philosophic implications of sex and sexual desire. Sex remains one of the most controversial aspects of philosophy, morality, and ethics. Thousands of people keep to a belief that sexual desire is immoral, if it is not linked to attraction and love. Others claim that sex is empty without feeling. Whatever the reason, the nature of sex, especially plain sex, in philosophy raised different interpretations. Basically, sexual love was always considered as inferior to platonic love (Goldenberg et al., 1999). The latter presupposed that people who engaged in sexual intercourse had greater moral goals, namely procreation, and based their sexual desires on the constant exchange of other, non-sexual beliefs, interests and experiences. Religions in all parts of the world supported this view, trying to equate the nature of chastity with the meaning of virtue (Goldenberg et al., 1999). In the non-western world, sex is favored and desired in marriage but not beyond it; Indian and African cultures treat sex as an indispensable component of people’s daily lives. At the beginning of the postmodern era, sex has acquired new philosophic coloring, being both the

PS Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PS - Personal Statement Example I have observed good intentions in nearly every person, and have come to conclude that the world is not as complicated and evil as most people believe. It is our role to beautify the world. We can all achieve this by cherishing each other as we do our friends and family. I am passionate about by career and personal life because I have faith in my academic, professional and social efforts. Academically, I lean more on scientific facts that religious speculations. This is because I have a preference for mathematics and design. I might not be proficiently skilled at reading, but I share different perspectives about the significance of reading. It is essential not to disregard literacy, but the skill of reading is not as important to me as understanding methodical researches. I appreciate communication with other people because teamwork is an important aspect of design and research. I spend my leisure time engaging in a variety of activities. I have always loved to dance since I was six, and still do as a hobby. I also intend to become a professional dancer in traditional Chinese dance, as well as ballet and hip-hop. I believe Information Systems and Technology is an excellent field. I am eager to enter information systems and technology placement. I want to find a program that provides the prospects to train in a well-organized and well-managed surrounding with IT specialists who will empower me to realize my upmost

Working Impression Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Working Impression - Case Study Example If the working impression holds after confirmatory test/s, then it will hold to be the diagnosis, and the future steps will be dedicated onto eradicating the sources and treating the symptoms accordingly. However, if the PWI turns out not to be the diagnosis, then the differentials will then be tested, so that the primary root of the chief complaint be identified. Treatment will thus be planned based on the definitive diagnosis. Working Impression In coming up with our primary impression, we should look into the information we have for any pertinent data. In summary, we have four female employees of a food distribution warehouse facility who complain of dizziness. They conduct blister packing in an area with a 40Â °F temperature, and two railroad car lines and gas-powered forklifts nearby. The facility also has a special seal that insulates in the cold temperature needed for storage. There was no noticeable odor, nor there mention of a ventilating system for the area. Because multip le cases (four) have been reported in the facility, we consider this as an occupational health issue. Because of the nature of their work, the only possible factors that might have caused dizziness are inhalation of toxic fumes, exposure to chemicals from the food products, and the cold temperature (40Â °F). Because there are no reports of food poisoning caused by the products of the facility, then we can rule out the second factor. In considering the presence of toxic fumes, we must take note that the suspected inhalant must be odorless and colorless. In addition, the special insulating system in the warehouse might have been contributing in keeping the toxic fumes in the facility. A possible source of such fumes must be established, and the symptoms observed in our case should be explained by its presence. With these qualifications, we take carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning as our primary working impression. CO is an odorless, colorless gas that may come from the incomplete burning of organic substances such as gasoline, kerosene, oil, propane coal or wood (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2008; WorkSafe Victoria, 2008). In our case, CO may have been emitted by the car and forklift exhaust and possibly, a kerosene-powered heater, although the presence of such equipment must first be verified. CO gas interferes with the oxygenation of red blood cells and subsequently of tissues such as the brain, causing dizziness. Other symptoms include chest pains, headache, fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness or nausea. Prolonged exposure may result to weakness, vomiting, confusion, loss of consciousness, coma, and death (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2008). Differential Diagnoses It is important to consider other causes of the incidents, as the PWI might not be the root cause, or there are environmental conditions that may cause harm to the employees. Low oxygen levels In preserving food products, it is important to have a room wherein ox ygen levels can be kept at a low level (1% to 2%) to prevent the growth of aerobic microorganisms that compromise the quality of food products. This room is referred to as a controlled atmosphere (CA) room. Inhalation of this highly deoxygenated atmosphere from CA room has detrimental consequences to employees, who need oxygen levels of 19.5% to 23.5% to survive. In fact, inhaling a single breath of this highly deoxygenated atmosphere will result to instantaneous loss of consciousness, with consequent brain and health injuries. Employees who work near a CA room are thus susceptible to health risks (WorkSafe Victoria, 2008). If a CA room is present in the warehouse, then this diagnosis is highly likely. Ammonia The cooling condition exposes the employees to many factors. One of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rivalry against Mr.Empanada Restaurant Research Paper

Rivalry against Mr.Empanada Restaurant - Research Paper Example Empanada was well on the way to being a recognized fast food company in the Tampa Bay area (Mr. Empanada). Mr. Empanada served as a vendor in the forum of the Tampa Bay Times. The most recent franchise of Mr. Empanada was established in the Soviet Union in St. Petersburg in September 2012 (Mr. Empanada). To preserve the quality of its products, Mr. Empanada only produces its food stuffs in one location in Armenia Avenue. There are many restaurant chains that sell empanadas in the United States; but Mr. Empanada is the only restaurant that specializes in creating different types of empanadas. It is also the only restaurant that operates in the Southeast. Empanadas, as well as other similar specialty food offerings are a niche market with potential for greater development. Empanadas are quite cost effective yet bring considerable proceeds to the restaurant. In addition, the low cost of the ingredients used to create empanadas along with the wide range of flavors that can be used has be en made Mr. Empanada a great success. Macro environment factors refer to external factors that affect a company but that are beyond a company’s capacity to control. A model that addresses external factors that affect firms is the Porter’s Five Forces Model. ... g power of suppliers (d) Rivalry among business competitors (e) The threat of substitute products (Kerfoot, Davies, and Ward 115) Diagram of Porter’s Five Forces Analysis (Porter, 89) Competitive rivalry concerns one of the most important aspects for industries, as it may be used to decide on potential marketing or operating strategies that will ensure that the organizations stays ahead of the competition. Mr. Empanada’s marketing strategies are largely based on factors that take into account its competitors. The restaurant’s consumers naturally have high standards and will opt for the outlet that caters best for their needs. This explains why Mr. Empanada is constantly looking to create new and more flavor filled products that are created with organic raw materials. Rivalry in the restaurant industry is evident in the price discounting practices, advertising campaigns, service improvement initiatives, and new product introductions that are often seen in many res taurants. Moreover, sometimes, intense competition can negatively affect profitability. Many times, the intensity of business rivalry is brought about by the following factors: Exit Barriers – Competition between businesses usually increases when the expenses involved in closing the business are more than the costs involved in remaining in business. The expression ‘exit barrier’ is descriptive of an impediment that makes it difficult for an entrepreneur to leave the business. These barriers mean that the entrepreneur will incur a great cost in spite of having good reasons for leaving. Exit barriers can exacerbate business rivalry because if a corporation is not able to leave due to underperformance, it is forced to compete. In the restaurant industry, there is a low exit rate and there are not many

The armys professional culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The armys professional culture - Essay Example Artifacts are visible paraphernalia in their diverse camps, which seek to remind soldiers of the hierarchy that they ought to obey (Hearn 2006). Consequently, a value system has seven values that are specific to the defense force. This facilitates cohesion in the camps which soldiers converge to perform their duties. The mission of the army is as follows; first, it seeks to offers soldiers who are ready to fight and already armed with the necessary artillery (Bonn 2005). Further, the army aims to produce soldiers that are fit to fight everywhere in the globe. In addition, the army has to fulfill a threshold (global requirements) in a bid to accomplish its assignment. It is notable to reveal that indeed the army is well adapted to its current missions because of the following; the proficient uniqueness in the army enables the soldiers to put their duty of protecting a country first. This is an adaptability, which reminds each soldier to work hard, in turn; the army achieves some of its goals. Secondly, there is creation of bonds among the soldiers, which enables them to create functional bonds. In addition, the establishment of a professional family aims to encourage soldiers to fight even when there is detachment from their families (Bonn 2005). Thirdly, the next adaptability is the involvement of hierarchy in the operation of the army. In particular, the clarity in the division of authority enables a further discipline in the soldiers. Consequently, the impact of this discipline on the soldiers heightens their good conduct when at war. Moreover, the army, is able to sustain the fulfillment of its mission because of the tailor made code of ethic of the army. There is a demand of all soldiers to ensure his or her nation has credit because of the uniqueness of the army. In addition, the policy dictates that the soldiers be of strict moral upbringing in order to understand

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rivalry against Mr.Empanada Restaurant Research Paper

Rivalry against Mr.Empanada Restaurant - Research Paper Example Empanada was well on the way to being a recognized fast food company in the Tampa Bay area (Mr. Empanada). Mr. Empanada served as a vendor in the forum of the Tampa Bay Times. The most recent franchise of Mr. Empanada was established in the Soviet Union in St. Petersburg in September 2012 (Mr. Empanada). To preserve the quality of its products, Mr. Empanada only produces its food stuffs in one location in Armenia Avenue. There are many restaurant chains that sell empanadas in the United States; but Mr. Empanada is the only restaurant that specializes in creating different types of empanadas. It is also the only restaurant that operates in the Southeast. Empanadas, as well as other similar specialty food offerings are a niche market with potential for greater development. Empanadas are quite cost effective yet bring considerable proceeds to the restaurant. In addition, the low cost of the ingredients used to create empanadas along with the wide range of flavors that can be used has be en made Mr. Empanada a great success. Macro environment factors refer to external factors that affect a company but that are beyond a company’s capacity to control. A model that addresses external factors that affect firms is the Porter’s Five Forces Model. ... g power of suppliers (d) Rivalry among business competitors (e) The threat of substitute products (Kerfoot, Davies, and Ward 115) Diagram of Porter’s Five Forces Analysis (Porter, 89) Competitive rivalry concerns one of the most important aspects for industries, as it may be used to decide on potential marketing or operating strategies that will ensure that the organizations stays ahead of the competition. Mr. Empanada’s marketing strategies are largely based on factors that take into account its competitors. The restaurant’s consumers naturally have high standards and will opt for the outlet that caters best for their needs. This explains why Mr. Empanada is constantly looking to create new and more flavor filled products that are created with organic raw materials. Rivalry in the restaurant industry is evident in the price discounting practices, advertising campaigns, service improvement initiatives, and new product introductions that are often seen in many res taurants. Moreover, sometimes, intense competition can negatively affect profitability. Many times, the intensity of business rivalry is brought about by the following factors: Exit Barriers – Competition between businesses usually increases when the expenses involved in closing the business are more than the costs involved in remaining in business. The expression ‘exit barrier’ is descriptive of an impediment that makes it difficult for an entrepreneur to leave the business. These barriers mean that the entrepreneur will incur a great cost in spite of having good reasons for leaving. Exit barriers can exacerbate business rivalry because if a corporation is not able to leave due to underperformance, it is forced to compete. In the restaurant industry, there is a low exit rate and there are not many

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Twitter Emerges as a Digital Marketing Tool Case Study

Twitter Emerges as a Digital Marketing Tool - Case Study Example Thousands of businesses in the United States are using tweeting as part of their marketing strategy. A survey revealed that over 88% of businesses in the U.S tweet messages to their customer base. The online connectivity of smartphones has made it easier than ever to follow tweets in real time. Key Marketing Issues Digital Media – consumers have become more accustomed to receiving their daily news through electronic media channels. One of the fastest growing media channels are social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Electronic Marketing – Electronic marketing has become more popular than ever in the 21 century. In 2011 the global online advertising industry generated $71 billion in revenues (Plunkett Research). Social network – Social networks have grown in popularity during the past few years. Facebook is the industry leader with over 845 million users (Facebook). Twitter has become more popular among business owners due to its ability to receive followers without having the need of being in the network of friends. Personal Case Analysis The case study showed the growing tendency of people being in love with social network websites. The interesting thing about the article was that it showed how companies are taking advantage of this lifestyle change among consumers. I think that companies should use Twitter because it is a cost effective way to market to a growing population of consumers that use the services of Twitter on a daily basis. People in the Unites States have become addicted to their smartphones. These devices can be used by people to follow tweets in real time from any location. Interactivity is a feature that brings a lot of excitement to consumers. Case Questions 1) Why is Twitter appealing to companies? Twitter is very appealing to companies because it provides firms with a cost effective marketing medium that can be used to reach thousands of customers instantly. Advertising on Twitter is very cheap in comparison with the advertising costs of traditional media channels such as television and radio. The size of the Twitter population is another attractive feature of the website. There are over 175 million users of Twitter (Carlson). Twitter gives companies the ability to interact with its users. The use of Twitter can be very effective to target younger buyers between the ages of 18 and 35 years of age. 2) How can Twitter be used to strengthen customer relationships and to gather customer feedback? Twitter is a great website because it connects people and businesses with each other. Customers that are interested in the products or services of a company can follow the latest company news using Twitter. Customer relationships can be reinforced by creating loyalty programs in Twitter that allow customers to receive special deals through the twitter feeds. Twitter can also be used as a tool to collect secondary data. â€Å"Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily av ailable from other sources† (Managementstudyguide). 3) What are some of the drawbacks of using Twitter as a marketing tool? Twitter can be a very effective marketing tool that can be implemented at a low cost, but there are certain drawbacks associated with its use. The use of Twitter for marketing purposes is limited to the reach of the medium. A lot of people are not users of social media websites. Other channels such as television and the written press have greater reach than Twitter. The use of Twitter is not as popular among senior citizens as it is among teenagers. Using Twitter as a sole marketing strategy does not let companies achieve adequate penetration among all demographic groups. Another drawback of the use of Twitter

Monday, October 14, 2019

Passing Of The UK 1832 Reform Act

Passing Of The UK 1832 Reform Act The passing of the 1832 Reform Act (also knows as the Great Reform Act) and the consequent extension of the franchise was due to the culmination of several factors. It did not, in itself, make a great difference at the time but it certainly had an undeniable effect on what was to follow. It was rather the beginning of the satisfaction for reform; a way of opening the way for legislation that went further, than an achievement of this aim. Many MPs who voted for it saw it rather as a way of preventing further future change and avoiding revolution. At the time, only the land-owning class could vote. They represented areas of land as opposed to the actual people within. The lower classes were considered an uneducated rabble; they were seen to be unable to be trusted. Property and wealth determined who was able to vote. This essay will examine how the Act came to be passed and also the ways in which its passing affected British politics in the years to come. The issue of Catholic emancipation was arguably a factor in paving the way for the ability to reform. The Conservative government of the time was deeply against the issue of Catholic emancipation; ideologically, it was concerned with the preservation of tradition. As Robert Blake commented; The Tory party never tired of proclaiming its determination to uphold the traditional institutions of the United Kingdom, the monarchy, the House of Lords and the Protestant establishment, both its property and its privileges.  [1]   This became a problematic position. William Vesey Fitzgerald was obliged to resign as MP and stand for re-election after entering into the position President of the Board of Trade. Daniel O Connell ran against him for the seat of County Clare, and won. Due to his being a Roman Catholic, he could not actually serve if elected. Therefore, the Conservative government had a problem; the opposition of Catholic emancipation was a point of unity for the Tory Party. On the other hand, the Catholic Association could cause significant disruption if no action was taken. Catholic emancipation caused a severe split within the Tory party. It convinced many ultra-Tories to support reform. Eric J. Evans comments that it was in fact an ultra-Tory, the Marquis of Blandford, as opposed to a radical that called for reform regarding the issue of rotten boroughs- he called for the seats of rotten boroughs to be given to larger towns, among other reformations. The ultra-Tories believed that the increased voters would lend support to their opposition of Catholic emancipation.  [2]   Economic conditions also contributed to a desire for reform. The economy had largely been dependent on the war- when Britain went to war against France in 1793. When the war ended in 1815, the country entered into an economic depression due to the lack of demand in peacetime for that which the country had been producing during wartime. In 1829, the harvest failed and resultantly, food prices increased. Radicals used this as an opportunity; William Lovett and Henry Hetherington formed the National Union of the Working classes in April, 1831. The goal was suffrage for all adult males and it campaigned for that.  [3]   A new middle class emerged in England as a result of the Industrial Revolution- this was composed of factory owners and entrepreneurs. This new middle class believed, justifiably, that their inability to vote was unfair as they were creating wealth. Middle class desire for increased representation in the political system was leading to a greater support for reform on their part, and this in turn lead to increased collaboration with the working class. The middle class felt that they deserved more representation in parliament than they currently possessed; industry and commerce were becoming more important and legislation such as the Corn Laws was in the interest of the aristocracy, which controlled parliament, as opposed to that of the middle class. Hence, they desired greater political power in order to do something about this. In 1830, Thomas Attwood formed the Birmingham Political Union due to the awful economic conditions. He founded a General Political Union between the Lower and Middle Classes of the People'.  [4]  Attwoods Union was not the only one of its kind; the creation of others followed in various forms. Their activities -political rallies which were well-attended and organised- indicated that the middle class did indeed desire reform and was prepared to work towards such a goal. The effect of the economic distress; the political unions and the French revolution was to prove to parliament that reform was an unavoidable issue, lest a revolution occur. MP Thomas McAulay said, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I support this measure, because I am sure that it is our best security against a revolutionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [5]   Many politicians came to view reform in this manner; as a means of preventing revolution and greater change to the system at a later point. The reform act, once passed, meant that more populated areas received a more proportional representation. It changed the areas represented by MPs to better reflect the changes in population distribution caused by industrialisation. Middle class males were enfranchised; all householders paying a yearly rental of  £10 and, if they had been resident for a year, lodgers paying  £10 received the vote. This, however, meant that the working class was excluded from the vote. Those living in cities were still not adequately represented and MPs still did not receive a salary- they also had to own land to be able to stand. This brought to an end the alliance between the middle class and the working class. The working class was resentful of this; they were aware that without their pressure, the government would not have felt such an urgent need to reform. Chartism was a movement born of working class resentment at their exclusion from the newly expanded franchise. There were two types; moral force and physical force Chartism. The principle of moral force Chartism was that demonstrating that the working class was respectable and trustworthy (e.g. Chartist churches) was the way to achieve their goals. In contrast, physical force Chartism was the idea of a more forceful, direct manner. That is not to say there were two distinct groups; most viewed the physical force concept as a last resort. The Peoples Charter consisted of six demands: * Institution of a secret ballot. * General elections be held annually. * Members of Parliament not be required to own property. * MPs be paid a salary. * Electoral districts of equal size. * Universal male suffrage. The first meeting specifically organised for Chartism  [6]  took place on Kerstal Moor on 24 September. The message was that universal suffrage, as opposed to direct action, would achieve their aims. Chartism was closely linked to the present state of the economy; if the economy was doing well then demand was low. If it was doing badly, demand was high. Chartism did not last; its high point could be said to be 1848. After a meeting on Kensington common on the 10 April of that year, the Chartists presented a petition to parliament. The procession to bring the petition to the House of Commons was banned, some of the upper class having come to believe the Chartists intended revolution. Many of the signatures on the petition itself were later found to be forgeries. There was still, of course, a demand for reform after the act of 1832. The Great Act did not, in fact, do much to expand the electorate at all. However, it created a precedent- it could be said to have opened the door for further reform. In 1851, The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations took place. Thomas Cook took 165,000 people to attend it. There was a fear that the working class would damage/cause trouble in the city, but the concerns proved to be unfounded. In reality, they demonstrated interest and were peaceful. There was a growth in public libraries and such services- this can be traced from the principles of moral force Chartism. By the 1860s, the general feeling was that the working class had demonstrated sufficient respectability to gain the vote. However, the Liberal/Whig party was divided over the extent to which reform should go. Elements of the aristocracy were unsure, whereas radical members were very keen. The split of the Conservative party had a llowed the Whigs to come in. Disraeli desired to lead the party into power once more; he pushed through reform far more radical than the Liberals had envisioned in an effort to win popular support- as a result, the working class became the majority. This was the 1867 reform act, and enfranchised the urban working class. His was a pragmatic move; he was taking advantage of the Liberals split, and trying to demonstrate the Conservatives had the ability to lead. The factors leading to the passing of the 1832 Reform Act were myriad; for example, the French revolution inspired radicals, the middle class resented their exclusion despite their creation of wealth and also the restriction on the growth of industry and the working class desired power in order to improve their quality of life. However, the effects of it were very limited. It was still deeply restrictive; the working class still did not possess the vote after it. It was this very fact that led to the creation of movements such as Chartism; the reform act set a precedent and the working class campaigned in earnest for universal male suffrage.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

History and Development of Robotics Essay -- Robotics Robot

Robotics ABSTRACT This paper discusses three aspects of the field of robotics The first is the history of where the ideas of robotics originated. Second, what was the effect that these ideas had on society? Finally, what developments in the field have proved to be useful to society? INTRODUCTION "Klatuu verita nicto!" These are the words spoken to turn away the robot that would destroy the earth in the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. Hollywood has portrayed the robot as both a friend and an enemy. In many instances, such as in The Day the Earth Stood Still, they can be controlled, but if one gets loose it will cause great destruction. In the Star Wars trilogy their are three robotic characters that play large roles. Two of the robots, C3PO and R2D2, are friendly and harmless. They are both on the side of good. However, they are contrasted by Darth Vader, who being partially man, but mostly robot, is portrayed as the antagonist of all that is good. Not only Hollywood, but also science fiction literature has helped to produce certain expectations concerning what a robot should look like and how it should act. The result of these expectations has not always been good for the field of robotics. Some would say the attempt to make a robot is an attempt to 'play god' and to recreate man. Others would argue that robots might become so intelligent that they would take over and replace humans. There is no better example of this than the movie Terminator, which begins with a world ruled by machines who are trying to kill the remaining human population. The actual field of robotics however, has produced many products which we take for granted. The clock is a household item that was developed in the beginning stages of machine ... ...ics and we have only begun to see what they are. Precautions must be taken for the future, but the developments already made have produced great benefit and far outweigh any fearful expectations about the dangers of robotics. 1. Bonnett, Kendra, and Gene Oldfield. Everyone Can Build a Robot. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc, 1984. p 2. 2. Asimov, Isaac, and Karen A. Frankel. ROBOTS: Machines in Man's Image. New York: Harmony Books, 1985. p 2. 3. Ibid. p 4. 4. Ibid. p 1 - 2. 5. Ibid. p 1 - 2. 6. Aleksander, Igor, and Piers Burnett. REINVENTING MAN: The Robot Becomes Reality. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983. p 25. 7. Asimov and Frankel, p 12. 8. Ibid. p 19. 9. Aleksander and Burnett, p 19 - 20. 10. 10. Ibid. p 19 - 20. 11. 12. Ibid. 13. 14. Ibid.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Donald Johanson :: essays research papers fc

Donald Johanson Donald Johanson was born in Chicago in 1943, the son of Swedish immigrants. His father died when he was two, and his mother moved to Hartford, Connecticut, where he developed an interest in anthropology from a neighbor who taught the subject. Although he initially studied chemistry at university, he eventually switched majors to anthropology, and worked during summers on archeological digs. He transferred to Chicago to study under F. Clark Howell for his graduate studies, doing a comprehensive study on chimpanzee dentition for his doctoral thesis. In 1970 and 1971 he visited Africa to do field work at Omo in Ethiopia. In 1972, he and some colleagues went on a short exploratory expedition evaluate the Afar Triangle region of Ethiopia. They were impressed by its promise, and planned a full-scale expedition the following year. Back in the USA, Johanson completed his Ph.D. and started a teaching position at Case Western Reserve University.(Johanson) In 1973 he discovered AL 129-1, a small but humanlike knee, and the first knee known from the hominid fossil record. The following year, Johanson and Tom Gray discovered an even more spectacular find, AL 288-1, a partial skeleton of a female australopithecine better known by its nickname of Lucy. (Farah-Karls, 21). In 1975 there was yet another major find when his team found a collection of fossils at a single site that was nicknamed the First Family. In 1976, more hominid fossils were discovered, along with stone tools, which, at 2.5 million years, were the oldest in the world. After 1976, political conditions in Ethiopia prevented further expeditions for nearly 15 years.(Johanson). Johanson, who in 1974 had become a curator at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, now tackled the task of analyzing the fossils with the aid of Tim White, a young but highly regarded scientist who had just finished his Ph.D. Johanson had originally thought that the Hadar fossils were a mixture of Homo and Australopithecus specimens, but White eventually convinced him that all of them belonged to just one species. In 1978 they named that species Australopithecus afarensis.(Johanson). In 1981, Johanson founded the Institute of Human Origins, a non-profit research institution devoted to the study of prehistory. In 1987, the IHO was given permission to conduct an expedition to Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, and found a partial skeleton, OH 62, which is generally attributed to Homo habilis.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis on Lux Toilet Soap Ad Essay

Lux Toilet Soap Susan Sanders Devry University Lux Toilet Soap A 1954 ad for Lux Toilet Soap states, â€Å"Luscious is the word for Greer Garson’s complexion and she keeps it that way with Lux Toilet Soap. †This statement is an example of how emotional appeal is used in the ad to grab the reader’s attention. The advertiser uses character appeal by including information about Garson’s success in the ad to make the reader want to use the product. Logical appeal is used when a refund is offered to leave the reader with no objections to trying the product. The Greer Garson Lux Toilet Soap ad was effective in raising product awareness and profits due to its usage of these appeals. Garson is pictured against a white background with a vine of grapes in hand in the ad. Purple is the color theme here, as Garson’s eye makeup, necklace and grapes are of this color. This gives the ad a sense of sophistication, warmth, luxury and even a little mystery. This grabs the reader’s attention and makes her want to read the ad. The reader’s attention is then drawn to a sentence below Garson in which the first word, â€Å"Luscious,† is of a larger font size than the rest of the text. The color pink draws the reader to look in the bottom right corner of the ad, where a Lux Toilet Soap wrapper reveals the bar of soap. This completes the attraction, femininity, and smooth texture of the ad. The image and larger-sized text are present in the advertisement to appeal to the reader’s emotion of craving for Garson’s flawless skin. Women of this time were open to ideas on how to look as beautiful as possible. This could have been to succeed in their careers or simply to please a man. Looks play a large role in any aspiring actresses success because she is trying to talk people into casting her for roles. In addition, having and taking care of a family was a very important part of women’s lives. They had to look their best in the hopes of getting a husband. This advertisement had their solution and informed the readers to use Lux Toilet Soap to get that desired look. If the picture of Garson wasn’t enough to get the reader to find character appeal in the advertisement, there is also smaller blue text at the bottom of the ad informing them of her credentials. The ad states, â€Å"Besides being beautiful, Greer Garson is intelligent (she’s lectured Shakespeare), talented (probably won more awards than any other film actress)†¦ † There is also a statement at the top of the ad promoting a movie Garson most recently starred in, â€Å"Her Twelve Men. † The ad then goes on to state her insistence on the use of Lux Toilet Soap in her home and dressing room, as well as the statistic â€Å"Greer’s used Lux for years now-she believes in it, like 9 out of 10 Hollywood stars do.This information about Garson’s career leads readers to trust in her belief of the soap’s effectiveness. It suggests that the reader should want to use the Lux soap because successful and beautiful people like Garson do. If it plays some part in Garson’s success, then the reader might have that same luck with life as well, after using Lux soap. As the reader continues through the text, the final appeal is utilized, logic. The ad states that â€Å"Miss Garson’s luscious complexion is as good a recommendation as we know of for using Lux Toilet Soap. If you find Lux isn’t everything a good soap can be, we’ll return what you paid for it. Fair enough? † After being presented this offer, the reader runs out of objections to trying the product. Reasoning tells them to buy it, try it, if it isn’t satisfactory, get a refund, and no loss would be incurred. The offer leaves the reader with a feeling of obligation to buying the product. It is important that the ad achieves this because it ultimately leads to higher sales profit. Lux Toilet Soap was not the only solution to uneven or imperfect complexion.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How To Handle Information Essay

The learner can: 1. Understand requirements for handling information in social care settings 1.1 Identify legislation and codes of practice that relate to handling information in social care settings 1.2 Explain how legal requirements and codes of practice inform practice in handling information 2. Understand good practice in handling information in social care settings 2.1Explain how to maintain records that are up to date, complete, accurate and legible 2.2Describe practices that ensure security when storing and accessing information 2.3Describe features of manual and electronic information storage systems that help ensure security 3. Understand how to support others to handle information  3.1 Explain how to support others to understand the need for secure handling of information 3.2 Explain how to support others to understand and contribute to records Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit develops the knowledge and understanding needed to implement and promote good practice in recording, sharing, storing and accessing information in social care settings. This unit is aimed at those who are interested in, or new to working in social care settings. Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate) HSC 31 Guidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit (if appropriate) Others may include: Colleagues External third party such as IT specialist Social worker Occupational Therapist GP Speech and Language Therapist Physiotherapist Pharmacist Nurse Specialist nurse Psychologist Psychiatrist Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Advocate Dementia care advisor Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) This unit needs to be assessed in line with the Skills for Care and Development QCF Assessment Principles. Support for the unit from a SSC or other appropriate body (if required) Skills for Care and Development Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system 01.3 Health and Social Care Name of the organisation submitting the unit Availability for use Shared Unit available from Unit guided learning hours

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Learn In Private Institutions In Getting Job Education Essay

The current issues in instruction presents which is about the chance of pupils that learn in private establishments in acquiring occupation have been discuss and we look this issues as an of import issues in our instruction in Malaysia. First of wholly, private instruction can be defined as an instruction where parents need to pay for instead than free instruction that was provided by the authorities. It is besides known as an instruction that was provided by a private person or organisation, instead than by the province or public organic structure. It means that it is non operated by the authorities. Private instruction frequently occurs among people who have high economic system position. It has many private instruction establishments in our state and this instruction establishments is classified as private because it is controlled and managed by a non-governmental organisation like Church, Trade Union or concern endeavor or its Governing Board consist largely of members non selected by a public bureau. Normally this establishment was established by the alliance of corporate organic structures which make an investing towards these establishments. But many private establishments receive public subsidies particularly in the signifier of revenue enhancement interruptions and pupils loans from the authorities. In the early 1990s, there were about 200 private colleges but no private university. But in 2011, there is exist 53 private universities including private university colleges, 6 foreign university subdivision campus and more than 500 private colleges. From this information we can see that the figure of private establishments increasing quickly from twelvemonth to twelvemonth. The figure of private university is higher when we compared it with the public university. We can see the dumping of private establishments in our state compared to public establishments. Approximately 50 % of the state ‘s entire third pupil ‘s enrolment population is in private higher instruction establishments. The addition in enrolment population within private higher instruction establishments demonstrated in reeling rise from merely around 15 000 in 1985, to merely approximately 35 000 in 1990 and merely over 320 000 in 2005. The rank of private establishments can be classified based on its grade. Tier is known as a degree of one establishment is ordered. It has six grades where tier 6 is the highest degree and tier 1 is the lowest degree. Tier 6 is known as outstanding and none of the private university in our state is classified in this grade. While for tier 5 it is classs as an first-class grade for illustration University Kuala Lumpur, University Technology Petronas and many more. AIMST University and University Tenaga Nasional is the illustration of university that in the grade 4 which is classified as really good. Tier 3 is classified as good and College University Insaniah is one of the universities in this armored combat vehicle. For tier 2 it is known as satisfactory and tier 1 is weak. It besides has private stitutions that are non rated and it is because they do non hold a specific topographic point or their ain edifice to do as a category. So it is difficult for the authorities to give them th e grade. DEFINES THE ISSUES PROBLEM FACED BY PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS It has many jobs that private establishments need to confront in term of fixing alumnuss, provide the installations and serve the preparation to the pupils. It is because private establishments are to the full operated by their ain organisations without the assisting from the authorities, so they need to happen their ain solutions to give the best services to their pupils. Students that enter to these establishments deserve to acquire the best services as they pay the expensive tuition fees. Therefore, private establishments decidedly faced the job in supplying quality services to their pupils. The chief job that private establishments normally faced is in fixing the alumnuss. They have job in prepared alumnuss that are able to vie globally and have entrepreneurship accomplishments in the universe of work. As we know in public establishments, pupils require to take the topic for entrepreneurship. It is because to supply pupils to be an enterpriser in instance that if they finish their surveies and they still did non acquire work, so they can utilize the cognition that they learn to construct up their ain concern. But in private establishments, these topics are non provided and non compulsory to the pupils to take this topic. So it is one of the jobs that were faced by the private establishments in fixing good and quality alumnuss. Besides that, private establishments besides have jobs in fixing alumnuss that have good communications accomplishments. As we know, normally many pupils that enter to the private establishments have low academic accomplishment and they do non acquire an offered to come in the public establishments and that ‘s why they go to the private establishments. When they have low accomplishment in academic it is difficult to develop good accomplishments among them compared to high achiever pupils. It is difficult for the lector to construct a good communications accomplishments among them. Students in private establishments besides lack of moral values and subjects. It is difficult for the establishments to training pupils because the regulations and ordinance is non excessively tight. Students are free to have on the apparels that they like and they can come in and jump the category whenever they want. Private establishments did non care about their pupils ‘ attending and how their pupil frock. Because of that, the alumnuss from private establishments will miss of moral values compared to public alumnuss. They besides lack of subjects because they can make what they want and like in this private establishments that they pay for. The 2nd job that private establishments normally faced is in term of installations. They can non supply adequate installations for pupils and this is because their disbursement was non plenty and they need to purchase all installations for the instruction and larning procedure by itself. When they have unequal installations it will do their acquisition procedure non running swimmingly and teacher can non give their best services to the pupils. Facilities besides the large job that private establishments should confront because equipment for acquisition is really of import for pupils ‘ amenitiess. Private establishments can non supply plenty installations because of unequal fiscal. In add-on, pupils besides need to portion the lab installations when they are making some research. It will do pupils experience uncomfortable when they need to portion the equipment with their friends. Besides that, pupils besides will miss of accomplishment when they can non make their research by their ain. It besides will restrict pupils ‘ activities for illustration in making research and as we know lab installations is of import for us to carry on some experiment. For pupils in higher establishments they need to carry on a research to do their acquisition procedure more effectual and to do them more understand about some subject but when private establishments can non function adequate installations, their pupils larning will be limited. Financial job is besides the chief factor why private establishments can non supply plenty lab installations to their pupils because of the expensive monetary value for lab installations. Besides that in some private establishments it besides has little categories. Classroom is the perfect topographic point for the bringing of instruction and larning straight from the trainers to the pupils. However, the extent of available comfort and the environment can excite pupils ‘ attending and credence towards the instructor. The issue of pupils overcrowding and excessively many pupils in a schoolroom are the job that private establishments encounter. Sometime in one category it needs to suit and provide many pupils and it will do pupils experience uncomfortable during their learning procedure. Some private establishments merely have a little edifice for their establishments and they merely have really limited category. Because of inordinate consumption of pupils, the category for the pupils is non plenty and they need to turn up many pupils in a little category. In this instance to cut down this job, private establishments should restrict their pupils ‘ consumptio n and supply more categories for the acquisition procedure. Some private establishments do non hold adequate topographic points to apportion category because of little edifice. The 3rd job that private establishments face is in term of preparation. Most lectors and staff in private establishments have less making and experience compared with the public establishments ‘ lector. Lecturer that was hired in private establishments normally less of instruction technique and some of them do non hold making in learning classs. Lecturer in private establishments normally merely have degree making and merely a few of them that have maestro ‘s making. When they do non hold making and less of instruction technique, their instruction will be less effectual compared to the lectors from public establishments. Private establishments are hard to engage the quality instructors because many instructors fear that there are non unafraid if they work in private establishments. They more prefer to work in authorities sector compared with the private sector because authorities will give them more benefits. Besides that, private establishments besides can throw out them any clip they want. That is why merely the instructor that do non acquire arrangement in authorities want to works in private establishments because of no picks. Some private establishments need to engage instructors that have low makings because the deficit of instructors. When they have less making instructor, pupils besides will acquire less accomplishment. The lector in private establishments besides ever changed several clip for one topic. This is because, there are portion clip lectors in these establishments and frequently have concern to cover with. So a replacing lector will come in alternatively. Sometimes public establishments need to engage the teachers that make a instruction profession as their portion clip occupation. So, the interchanging instructors ever go on and this is the job that private establishments need to confront. Normally, instructors who work half-time in private establishments are merely to gain excess income. Private establishments need to take this type of instructors because of the deficit of instructors ‘ job that they face. Some of the alumnuss from universities besides tried to acquire a occupation as a instructor in private establishments because they know that the demand to be a instructor in private establishments is easy. They normally come from the fresh alumnuss that have no experience in le arning. In add-on when the instructors ever change, it will do the acquisition procedure non goes swimmingly and pupils will be confused due to many instructors with different learning technique. The preparation besides one of the job that need to faced by the private establishments in footings of provide a making and experience instructors. Current WAY TO ADDRESS THE ISSUES ALTERNATIVE WAY TO SOLVE THE ISSUES Based on these jobs, an alternate ways to work out the issues should be taken instantly. To get the better of the issues of the chance of pupils that learn in private establishments in acquiring occupation, the private establishments and the authorities should take an action. Private establishments should implements some stairss to make alumnuss that are non merely able to vie but besides able to make occupation in the universe of work. It means that, private establishments should supply a classs or plan that trained their pupils to be an entrepreneurship like entrepreneurship classs like the public establishments do. This class will fix their pupils in instance when they finish their survey and they do non acquire work. When they have the cognition on how to construct a concern they can make their ain occupation after they finish their survey. This will avoid them from unemployment job. Besides that private establishments should supply the instruction system that relevant with the advancement of the demands from the universe of work. It means that, the course of study of instruction that was provided by the private establishments should suitable with the universe of work presents. Private establishments must fix their pupils to hold a good communicating accomplishment and can get the hang English good. When their pupils have a good communications skill it will give them chance in acquiring occupation compared with the pupils that can non get the hang English good. Because we know that, English is really of import in our universe of work presents. Private establishments besides should guarantee that the classs offered acquire acknowledgment by the authorities. This is because when the classs that were taken by the pupil did non acquire acknowledgment by the authorities, it is difficult for the private establishments ‘ alumnuss to acquire work due to non recognized grade. Private establishments should do certain that all the classs that were provided acquire the acknowledgment foremost by the authorities. Companies normally do non desire to engage alumnuss who have making which is non recognized by the authorities. In order to bring forth alumnuss that have good communications accomplishments, private establishments should supply well-trained lector to learning at that place. They can non engage the instructor harmonizing to the demands but they need to take the best lectors that have making. This is because, pupils that study in private establishments pay for it and they deserve to acquire the best services compatible with the money they spend for it. To bring forth good pupils we need to supply good instructors. Courses on calling planning should be held for alumnuss in assorted Fieldss in order to make a well-trained human capital. Private establishments should be after some classs for their pupils in order to supply a quality graduates in the work field. For illustration they organize a plan like Career and Training Fair for their pupils. Program like this will present them on how to fix for the occupation interviews. Some of them will acquire cognition from this plan. Government besides should take an action in order to work out these issues of acquiring occupation among pupils in private establishments. Government should restrict the gap of private establishments in our state. This is because excessively many private establishments that were set up and for certain graduation from private establishments besides increases. To avoid excessively many unemployment alumnuss, authorities should restrict the blessing from private bureaus to open their private establishments. We can see today the dumping of private establishments in our state compared with the public establishments. The consumption of pupils to come in private establishments besides should be limited in order to work out the issues of unemployment alumnuss. Government should issues the figure of pupils that can be taken by private establishments each twelvemonth so they know how much pupils they can take. Private establishments should take the pupils based on the conditions specified by the authorities. Besides that, authorities should guarantee that private establishments take the qualified teacher to work at that place. Government should put the conditions required by all universities in order to take their teacher to learn at that place. If they take a qualified and experience instructors, they besides will supply best pupils from their establishments. Decision